Amazwe aseMelika aza kusingatha iFIFA World Cup ka-2026

(from left) Steven Reed, president of the Canadian Soccer Association, Decio de Maria, president of the Mexican Football Federation, Carlos Cordeiro (facing left), president of the United States Soccer Federation and CONCACAF president Victor Montagliani celebrate after the joint bid won the vote for FIFA World Cup 2026 at the 68th FIFA Congress in Moscow, Russia, 13 June 2018. EPA/FELIPE TRUEBA

Ilizwe elikhuphela
kwalo kwizwekazi le-Afrika ebelizama ukufumana amalungelo okusingatha indebe
yehlabathi, iMorocco, liphoxekile emva kokuba lingafumananga iivoti ezaneleyo.
IMexico, iCanada ne-United States zizo ezinikwe ithuba lokusingatha indebe
yehlabathi ngo-2026 kwintlanganiso yeFIFA ebibanjelwe kwisixeko saseMoscow,
eRussia, namhlanje eminimaqanda.

Amazwe aseMelika
ewonke aphumelele ngeevoti ezilikhulu elinamashumi amathathu nane (134) logama
yona iMorocco ifumene ibathwana lamashumi amathandathu anesihlanu emva kokuvota
kwabantu abangamakhulu amabini nesithathu. Indebe yehlabathi yebhola ekhatywayo
yagqibela ngo’94 ngethuba isingathwe yi-US. Ngoku ibuyela emantla eMelika emva
kokusingathwa yiBrazil ngo-2014.

Phambi kovoto,
iMorocco ithembise iinkokeli zemibutho yebhola ngokusingatha itumente
ekumgangatho waseYurophu. Kodwa iingcali zeFIFA zathi ukusa indebe yehlabathi
eMorocco ingangumgcipheko ngoba kuza kufuneka yakhe iindlela namabala kuqala. Kanti
yona iCanada, iMexico ne-US bezivele zanethuba elihle kuneMorocco.