“South African Pop Idol of Science”, aba bafundi bazakube bekhuphisana kwimkomfa yehlabathi yenzululwazi eKapa, ngomhla wesine kwinyanga ezayo. Abo bazakuya kumagqibela kankqoyi bakhethwe kubantu abatsha abalishumi elinesithoba abathabatha inxaxheba kwinzululwazi, kukhuphiswano lweFamLab oluphambi kwamagqibela kankqoyi.
Abantu abatsha abalishumi abakwinzululwazi abaya kumagqibela kankqoyi:
.Tashnica Sylvester: Molecular Biology and Human Genetics (Stellenbosch University)
.Margaret Siyawamwaya: Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of Witwatersrand)
Nozipho Gumbi: Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (NanoWS) -UNISA
.Savannah Nuwagaba: Biomathematics (Stellenbosch University)
.Tendai Samkange: Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of the Western Cape)
.Claude Moshobane: South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and the Centre for Invasion Biology (Stellenbosch University)
.Charles O’Donoghue: Department of Chemistry (Rhodes University)
.Wandisile Sixhoto: Agricultural Extension (University of Fort Hare)
.Robert Schlegel: Department of Marine Sciences (University of the Western Cape)
.Marli Louw: Institute for Wine Biotechnology (Stellenbosch University)
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