On June 23, 2023, Keith Theodore Mtsimela (44) was found guilty and given a sentence by Gqeberha New Law Regional Court for charges of fraud.
The Road Accident Fund (RAF) received a false claim from Mtsimela in February 2018, according to the spokesperson for the Hawks, Warrant Officer Ndiphiwe Mhlakuvana. He claimed that on October 25, 2017, at Lewes Street in Algoa Park, he was injured in a hit-and-run accident.
According to additional reports, the RAF had suspicions about this matter and launched their internal investigations, as they often do before processing compensation for claimants. It was determined during the investigation that the accident never happened.
The Serious Corruption Investigation of the Hawks in Gqeberha was subsequently tasked with looking into the case, and it was discovered that RAF was prejudiced cash to the value of more than R1.3 million.
As a result, Mtsimela was arrested by the Hawks on February 28, 2023, and later released on bail. Mtsimela was found guilty of fraud after a couple of court appearances and sentenced to a fine of R3000 and five years in prison, suspended for five years if a similar offence is not committed during the suspension period.
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